Safeway and Albertson stores in Washington, Oregon, and Northern Idaho have started to recall bakery products that are feared to make you sick.
Any product that was made with Valley Milk Products, LLC’s High Heat Non Fat Dry Milk Powder, is being recalled. This includes, cream cakes, éclairs, and whatever baked goods is made with a vanilla cream custard. These products were shipped on or before the 15th of December and have been marked with a sell date of December 20 or earlier. These items may have a possible Salmonella contamination.
Salmonella is a serious issue. It can cause serious and even fatal infections. The threat is higher towards young children, elderly, and anyone whose immune system is weak.
According to the reports from Sunday Afternoon, no illnesses have been reported.
Salmonella is indeed a dangerous contaminant. I’m glad no illness have been recorded. More proactive measures should be put in place to prevent any negative occurrence.