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Little Car Company Building Drivable Replicas Of Classic Cars

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If you’ve ever wanted to be a race car driver as a kid, you probably collected Hot Wheels, competed in Pinewood Derbys and even owned a Radio-Flyer. But never will you have it as lucky as the kids of today. A company named Little Car Company will take the Speed Racer kid a stretch further by actually constructing operational models of classic roadsters. An example of this may be a Bugatti or even an Aston Martin. (See Below.)


In my mind, there’s something pretty cool about having a miniature Bugatti or Aston Martin to drive around in. The Little Car Company says they may very well may be releasing a dune buggy type of vehicle as well. As far as kids driving these goes, I feel like if you could afford it, then either of these vehicles would be good practice to really get them ready for the road.

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