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Late – Night Bus Services in Seattle?

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SEATTLE – A sales tax and a car –  tab hike, approved by Seattle voters in 2014, are helping fund increased bus service on dozens of routes throughout the city. Increased service across King County will launch Saturday.


King Country Metro is adding several bus trips on many routes across Seattle and the region. The aim is to increase bus – service reliability and reduce wait times.


The developed service includes more late-night services, between midnight and 5 a.m., on 13 routes serving Seattle, Tukwila, White Center, Burien, and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.


The enlarged service will start on Saturday.


Funding comes from King County Metro’s two – year budget, which included $30 million for improved bus service. Within Seattle, funding also comes from the passage of Proposition 1 in 2014, when voters approved a sales-tax increase and a $60 car – tab fee to raise $36.5 million annually for more bus service hours.


Traffic Lab is a Seattle Times project that pay attention to region’s thorny transportation issues, spotlights promising approaches to easing gridlock, and helps readers find the best ways to get around. It is funded with the help of sponsors as Alaska Airlines, CenturyLink, Kemper Development Co., Sabey Corp., Seattle Children’s hospital and Ste. Michelle Wine Estates.


In total, Metro is adding 240 more bus trips each weekday, 153 more trips on Sundays and 100 more trips on Saturdays.


This developing project is one of the four transportation issues that are planned to be done in this year.


When the expanded service goes into effect, the says that nearly two-thirds of Seattle households will be within a 10-minute walk of transit service that arrives at least every 10 minutes.


Seattle Department of Transportation said that 85 percent of all routes in Seattle will get improvements.


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