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Dumpster Fires Reported in Bellevue and Redmond: The Suspect is in Custody

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BELLEVUE – REDMOND, WASHINGTON – Several investigators say at least 18 dumpster fires are believed to have been intentionally set early Wednesday morning.


Multiple calls from neighbors were reported about the fires at around 12:35 a.m. Wednesday. The Fire Department of Bellevue said fires were being lit until about 1 a.m. The occurring fires were all reported in dumpsters behind businesses in Bellevue and Redmond. Many were set near 148th Avenue Northeast. More than 12 dumpsters had been set on fire in Bellevue and 10-12 dumpsters were burned in Redmond.


Some buildings may have smoke damage. Vehicles may have been damaged as well. A thrift store was exposed to flames, but the fire was put out before it was significantly damaged.


According to a witness, the suspect was likely still in the area when officers responded to the 14700 block of NE 20th Street in Bellevue. The King County Sheriff’s Office deployed a helicopter to help with a search for the reported man.


That search led to a nearby wooded area where a homeless man was found. That man was questioned by police. He has been arrested and booked into jail in connection to the dumpster fires.

The motive of the fires is being investigated at this moment.


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