The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus has definitely been ravaging to all of America. And then there’s us. Where we have as much bipolarity towards Corona as a diabetic does to Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Too much is occurring within the city lines that makes this the most stressful of times. Yes, Washington is certainly going to be operating in the essence of maintaining health code all around, but the way this COVID-19 business is just affecting the city is tearing people apart.
For starters, the Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA) detailed this yesterday. And how the variant is putting a lot of pressure on the health care system. Their CEO Cassie Sauer, flanked by Dr. John Lynch, UW Medicine, went on to show concern about how dangerously evident it was that hospitalizations will still happen. COVID-19 is a danger but “clinical data has shown the COVID-19 vaccines to be extraordinarily safe and effective and our best tool to prevent the spread of the disease.”
Meanwhile, what is the city doing about it?
Free Tests by the city government is waning. Only two testing hubs exist currently. One in SODO and another north of Seattle. However, the government is mainly telling people to test only if they’re just now experiencing the symptoms. Or showing exposure to COVID-19.
However, there are other ptions. Such as the Self-Service testing kiosks owned by company Curative. Also, marketplaces and pharmacies alike do carry vaccines to administrate. Even non-profit organizations like FAST (Fathers and Sons Together) have been able to schedule plenty of people their first vaccinations over at Rainier Beach in the past weekend.
And if you don’t have a reason to get vaccinated right now, consider it important to resist COVID-19 in order to eat.
COVID-19 is forcing plenty of restaurants to show proof of vaccination so that those eating at their tables are still able to operate without fear of getting the virus to infect them and other guests. The politically charged anti-vaxxers can say what they want but the owners of eateries won’t let them affect the businesses negatively.